
Create vessel and borrow GRAI

  • Switch your network to the “Ethereum Goerli test network”, then access Gravita dapp and click the “Connect Wallet” button on the right-hand side to connect your address

  • Click the "Borrow" tab on the left-hand side menu and choose "tapETH" vessel

  • Enter the available amount of tapETH you wish to use as collateral, and the borrowed amount of GRAI, then click the "Open Vessel" button

  • Sign two transactions. One is the approval transaction, and another is the borrowing transaction

  • Once you created the vessel successfully, you can see your position on the top dashboard

Deposit the GRAI

  • Switch your network to the “Ethereum Goerli test network”, then access Gravita dapp and click the “Connect Wallet” button on the right-hand side to connect your address

  • Click the "Pool" tab on the left-hand side menu

  • Enter the available amount of GRAI you wish to deposit, then click the "Deposit" button and sign the transaction

Last updated