Acquire Testnet Tokens

  • Connect the Goerli testnet

  • Acquire some test tokens on Goerli testnet

    • ETH

    • stETH

    • rETH

  • Make transactions on Tapio dApp

    • Swap

    • Mint

    • Redeem

Connect the Goerli testnet

  • Login to your wallet(we will use Metamask as an example)

  • Click the network dropdown on the top

  • Select “Goerli test network”

  • If you don’t see the Goerli test network, click the “Add network” button to the settings page.

  • Select “Advanced” on the left side of the menu, and open the options of “Show test networks”. Then you can see the Goerli test network on the networks dropdown.

Acquire test tokens on Goerli


  • Connect your wallet which you want to participate in testing

  • Select “Ethereum” as chain and “Goerli” as network

  • Then you can see your test address displayed and click the “Continue” button

  • Once confirmed, you will receive 0.05 Goerli ETH

  • You can acquire the 0.05 ETH every 12 hours, or you can share the optional tweet to double this amount to 0.1 ETH.

*There are also some additional faucet options to get test ETH:

Alternatively, if you need a large amount of Goerli ETH in a short amount of time, it can be “purchased” as follows:

Exchange real ETH for Goerli ETH at:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Enter amount of ETH to swap

  1. Receive Goerli ETH in return


  • Switch your network to the “Goerli test network”, then access Lido and click the “Connect wallet” on the upper right-hand side to connect your address

  • Input the amount you wish and available to stake for stETH and click the “Submit” button, then sign the transaction


  • Switch your network to the “Goerli test network”, then access Rocket Pool and click the wallet icon on the upper right-hand side to connect your address

  • Input the amount you wish and available to stake for rETH and click the “Stake” button, then sign the transaction

Last updated